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Engaged Scholars, a cooperative educational program platform, talks about engaged scholarship, educational blogs, and global educational programs.

Engaged Scholars

A place to gain and share knowledge amongst fellow scholars in business schools. 

Negociaciones. Videos. Ideas. Prácticas. Experiencias. Reflexiones. Recursos.

Este espacio es para recopilar y compartir historias y ejemplos de las prácticas, teorías y preocupaciones de académicos comprometidos en escuelas de negocios de diferentes partes del mundo, diferentes instituciones, con diferentes posiciones y trayectorias profesionales, diferentes razas y etnias, naciones de origen, géneros. , religiones, identificaciones y orientaciones sexuales, etc.

Este es un ágora de pluralismo. Una heterotopía, un lugar de encuentro de diferencias para aprender, pensar y hacer.

Engaged Scholars, a cooperative educational program platform, talks about engaged scholarship, educational blogs, and global educational programs.
Engaged Scholars is a cooperative educational opportunity program that focuses on scholars collaborating with one another to inspire social and intellectual activism.

Ciertamente hay diferencias muy reales entre nosotros de raza, edad y sexo. Pero no son esas diferencias entre nosotros las que nos separan. Es más bien nuestra negativa a reconocer esas diferencias y a examinar las distorsiones que resultan de nombrarlas incorrectamente y sus efectos sobre el comportamiento y las expectativas humanas.

Audre Lorde, 1984/2007 p. 115

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Join the insightful conversations with Engaged Scholars around the world. We are dedicated to advancing conversations on theories, practices and experiences of different forms of engaged scholarship in management studies and practices broadly understood to include different sub-disciplines, issues and concerns. Get involved in the conversation through the following talks: 

Piazza Talks

Ask. Answer. Explore. Whenever. Our talks are designed to facilitate collaborative interaction among scholars. 

Conversations on Management  Teaching & Learning Series I 

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Engaged Scholars

Engaged Scholars in business schools is a platform dedicated to advancing conversations on theories, practices and experiences of different forms of engaged scholarship in management studies and practices broadly understood to include different sub-disciplines, issues, and concerns.

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